We aspire to answer, before question is asked.

Q1 What does the ‘Activation Pending’ message displayed when I login mean??
This means that you haven’t verified your email address for which you will have to go to your email account and click on the activation link sent by AnchorCSR. You can re-request for the confirmation email containing your activation link from the confirmation page after your registration or whenever you try to login with a non-activated account. If the problem still persists, please contact support.
Q2 Is there any fee for registration??
Registration on the website is absolutely free of cost. We try make our features available for free to our customers. However, some features may involve certain charges.
Q3 How does the website help the NGOs??
A. Our ranking system helps emerging NGOs to distinguish themselves in the crowd and gain greater visibility in the community. It helps them to quantify and better showcase their efforts rendering better possibility to attract support and recognition for their cause. It helps them in receiving funds in the form of CSR from the corporate.
Q4 How will you verify the NGOs??
A. We verify the NGOs from the registration number provided by the government. However, the ranking is based on the evaluation of their events.
Q5 How do you rank the NGOs??
A. We, here at AnchorCSR, have designed a sophisticated system for the ranking of NGOs which is based on the events done by the respective organization. We ensure that the events are reviewed by the jury prior to its approval for maintaining quality as well as to add a secondary prospective towards the ranking process.
Q6 What does the approval status of the events mean??
A. To ensure genuineness, after an event uploaded on the website our authorized jury reviews and approves and allocates score points for the purpose of ranking. This process may take up to 2-3 days.
Q7 How will the companies contact the NGOs??
A. The answer to this question lays the foundation of AnchorCSR. We facilitate NGOs with a platform that they can utilize to showcase their efforts which otherwise go unnoticed. Our main notion is to help in any way possible to provide CSR funds to those who deserve them, providing better insight to the corporate for their judgement regarding CSR.
Q8 How does AnchorCSR profits from this service??
A. We provide most of our services free to our NGO partners. However, we charge for any consultancy services to the NGOs to receive CSR funds. We charge technological and administrative cost for all the CSR transactions made through our platform.
Q9 How to report a bug or an error in the website??
A. Drop an email to contact@anchorcsr.com and the issue will be resolved shortly.